Quality & Certifications

We care about our company and customers

From innovation through production and logistics – Quality and World Class Manufacturing is our driving force.

Quality & Certifications

We care about our company and customers

From innovation through production and logistics – Quality and Write World Class Manufaturing is our driving force.

Quality & Certifications

We care about our company and customers

From innovation through production and logistics – Quality and World Class Manufacturing is our driving force.

Quality & Certifications

We care about our company and customers

From innovation through production and logistics – Quality and World Class Manufacturing is our driving force.

Quality systems and routines is important tools in Skanem strategic way of securing the future for our company through successful deliveries to our customers.

Workers in cooperation with management

Workers in cooperation with management

Workers in cooperation with management

At Skanem we realize that quality, as systems and well implemented routines, is about our workers in cooperation with the management. We have management driven systems, such as ISO 9001:2015 and FSSC 22000, where all workers in every level of the organization take active roles to make system live and real. We have continuous training and onboarding programs for new employees and a active and engaged quality management that focus on well implemented and day-to day quality work.

Strong cooperation between departments

Strong cooperation between departments

Strong cooperation between departments

As a supplier to the European FMCG market we know that quality of our products is key essential for the success of our customers. To secure our customers interests we have established strong cooperation between our quality department and the quality department of our customers. Pending on the volumes we deliver and how integrated we are with our customers we have several successful examples of daily and weekly «drum-beat»

We believe we can make a bigger positive impact when working together with partners, customers, governments and organisations that can help us reach our ambitions. We are one of the 147 signatories in the European Plastics Pact, including organisations from 21 countries that have chosen to be one of the frontrunner companies and governments to accelerate the transition towards European circular plastics economy. As a signatory of the European Plastics Pact, we believe that despite the many benefits plastics provide us, we face a huge challenge in reducing the plastic waste and litter. To face this challenge, the European Plastics Pact accelerates the shifts toward the reuse and recycling of single-use plastic products and packaging. 

We believe we can make a bigger positive impact when working together with partners, customers, governments and organisations that can help us reach our ambitions. We are one of the 147 signatories in the European Plastics Pact, including organisations from 21 countries that have chosen to be one of the frontrunner companies and governments to accelerate the transition towards European circular plastics economy. As a signatory of the European Plastics Pact, we believe that despite the many benefits plastics provide us, we face a huge challenge in reducing the plastic waste and litter. To face this challenge, the European Plastics Pact accelerates the shifts toward the reuse and recycling of single-use plastic products and packaging. 

meetings where we discuss and solve in real-time quality- or improvement potentials. We see that the closer we integrate with our customers the more successful the cooperation becomes. Working together is a very solid fundament of understanding our customers needs to run their production lines with high output and with as small as possible loss and waste

The Pact brings together governments and frontrunners like Skanem from across the entire value chain. We work together towards four goals aimed at design, responsible use, recycling capacity and the use of recycled content. The Pact supports this work by offering a unique platform to exchange ideas, display good practice and discuss challenges, needed to build a new circular default for all to follow. 

Visit the European Plastics Pacts website»

The Pact brings together governments and frontrunners like Skanem from across the entire value chain. We work together towards four goals aimed at design, responsible use, recycling capacity and the use of recycled content. The Pact supports this work by offering a unique platform to exchange ideas, display good practice and discuss challenges, needed to build a new circular default for all to follow. 

Visit the European Plastics Pacts website»

The benefits of World Class Manufacturing

The benefits of World Class Manufacturing

The benefits of World Class Manufacturing

At Skanem we have a unique team of workers and a management that see the benefits of World Class Manufacturing. The goal is zero accidents, zero service and quality defects, zero inventory and zero breakdowns. The purpose of World Class Manufacturing is to make Skanem more competitive by creating competent workers and work environment to attack losses. The key players in our World Class Manufacturing work is the director (our plant manager) his team leaders and all the factory workers. Our World Class Manufacturing work is real time oriented.

We have been a member of the UN Global Compact organization since 2011. The United Nations Global Compact is a non-binding United Nations pact to encourage businesses and firms worldwide to adopt sustainable and socially responsible policies, and to report on their implementation.  

We have been a member of the UN Global Compact organization since 2011. The United Nations Global Compact is a non-binding United Nations pact to encourage businesses and firms worldwide to adopt sustainable and socially responsible policies, and to report on their implementation.  

When we see losses, we measure them and take proper countermeasures against them as quickly as possible. Skanem focus on growing the creativity we have in our organization. We trust that our way of working, where continuous learning and improvement programs supported by leadership and management results in world class manufacturing. Our ambition is to become better every day, to secure our future and the interest of our customers.

The UN Global Compact is a principle-based framework for businesses, stating ten principles in the areas of human rights, labor, the environment and anti-corruption. Under the Global Compact, companies are brought together with UN agencies, labor groups and civil society. As an active member and as a responsible company that takes action, we recognise that corporations have a responsibility to minimise the negative impact and maximise the positive impact of its company and its industry on our planet. For us, sustainability is about making our products in ways that preserve the resources of the world, without consuming the world itself.  

Vist UN Global Compacts website»

The UN Global Compact is a principle-based framework for businesses, stating ten principles in the areas of human rights, labor, the environment and anti-corruption. Under the Global Compact, companies are brought together with UN agencies, labor groups and civil society. As an active member and as a responsible company that takes action, we recognise that corporations have a responsibility to minimise the negative impact and maximise the positive impact of its company and its industry on our planet. For us, sustainability is about making our products in ways that preserve the resources of the world, without consuming the world itself.  

Vist UN Global Compacts website»

We have quality certifications and lab facilities that demonstrate our ability to meet customer and regulatory requirements.

ISO 9001

ISO 9001

ISO 9001

Continuous improvement assures our customers benefit by receiving products and services from Skanem Bergen that meet agreed requirements, and products that have consistent performance and quality. Internally our ISO 9001 management system gives throughout the organization increased job satisfaction, improved morale and improved operational results.




Skanem Bergen is a European market leader within the segment of special packaging for Laundry Capsules and we are a Scandinavian supplier of thin walled food packaging. We are certified according to FSSC 22000. This is a food safety system certification system that provides a framework for effectively managing Skanem Bergens food safety responsibilities. FSSC 22000 is fully recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) and is based on existing ISO Standards